U-Bolt Set, 2 1/2"

In galvanised steel without stamped notches, washers and nuts, 2 1/2 Inch

U-Bolt Set in galvanised steel without stamped notches for fixing drinking bowls and LIQUIDs to fencing tubing.
Adapter available for tubes of less than 2 1/2”.

Technical information

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Hosp Products

Drinking Bowl

Drinking Bowls ❯

Robust and durable Waterer for Cattle, Cows and Horses
Piktogramm-Pferd Piktogramm-Kuh
Drinking Bowl for Pigs

Swine Bowls ❯

Easy-to-operate pressure flap function in the pig and piglet product series from HOSP, especially for mother herd husbandry.
Waterer in stainless steel

Liquid-Series ❯

Frostsichere Ventiltränken, ohne Strom. Komplett aus Edelstahl
Trough in stainless steel

Trough Series ❯

The trough series with a high-performance float valve with refill capacity of 80l/min, completely produced from high-quality stainless steel

Break Tank ❯

Leistungstarke und zuverlässige Systemtrennung nach DIN EN 1717. Damit Ihr Trinkwasser nicht gefährdet wird.
Piktogramm-Pferd Piktogramm-Kuh Piktogramm-Schwein