U-Bolt Set 2"

In galvanised steel with stamped notches, washers and nuts, 2 Inch

U-Bolt Set in galvanised steel with stamped notches for fixing drinking bowls and LIQUIDs to fencing tubing.
Adapter available for tubes of less than 2”.

Technical information

Stahl, verzinkt


Hosp Products

Drinking Bowl

Drinking Bowls ❯

Robust and durable Waterer for Cattle, Cows and Horses
Piktogramm-Pferd Piktogramm-Kuh
Drinking Bowl for Pigs

Swine Bowls ❯

Easy-to-operate pressure flap function in the pig and piglet product series from HOSP, especially for mother herd husbandry.
Waterer in stainless steel

Liquid-Series ❯

Frostsichere Ventiltränken, ohne Strom. Komplett aus Edelstahl
Trough in stainless steel

Trough Series ❯

The trough series with a high-performance float valve with refill capacity of 80l/min, completely produced from high-quality stainless steel

Break Tank ❯

Leistungstarke und zuverlässige Systemtrennung nach DIN EN 1717. Damit Ihr Trinkwasser nicht gefährdet wird.
Piktogramm-Pferd Piktogramm-Kuh Piktogramm-Schwein